“Melepas Matahari 2012”
31 Desember 2012,
Pada akhirnya matahari 2013 Masehi akan terbit juga setelah adanya
ramalan bahwa sebagian orang meramal pada hari Jumat, 21 Desember 2012 dunia akan
berakhir dengan kedatangan kiamat yang diramalkan oleh Suku Maya,
ha...ha...ha.... terbukti bahwa manusia tidak bisa meramal akan hidupnya sendiri
dan mereka yang meramalkan kiamat tersebut cukup sombong akan masa depan dan
itu yang dapat disimpulkan sampai dengan saat ini.
Optimisime hadirnya matahari
2013 tentunya menjadi harapan seluruh mahluk di muka bumi ini yang masih
memiliki nafas. Harapan tentunya
disandarkan di hari-hari masa depan
2013, 2014, 2015 ..... dan seterusnya, kita tidak bisa meramal hidup kita
di masa depan namun kita selalu berharap bahwa kehidupan di masa depan akan
menjadi lebih baik. Yang menjadi
permasalahan terbesar bagi kita “apakah kita bisa menjadi lebih baik?.......
apakah kita bisa memaksa diri kita menjadi baik?...... apakah lingkungan kita
mendukung kita untuk menjadi lebih baik?”.
Sebagaimana sudah biasa dalam
kehidupan, baik dan buruk selalu berdampingan dalam hidup kita, dimana suatu
saat sifat baik kita lebih dominan baik, namun terkadang juga buruk lebih
dominan, dan sebaiknya dan sebaliknya, hal itu dilihat dari sudut pandang diri
sendiri yang mempercayai sebuah iman.
Manusia tidak akan kuasa untuk menahan sifat buruk dan baik, kecuali
hanya bersandar pada kekuatan yang maha kuat dan kuasa untuk mengaturnya. Lepaslah matahari 2012 dengan segala kebaikan
dan keburukan yang telah terjadi, semoga mentari mendatang mendatangkan segala
kebaikan bagi manusia yang memiliki iman.
Banyak orang meniup terompet, mencari
hiburan maupun berdoa untuk melepas matahari 2012 dan menyambut terbitnya
matahari 2013, itu adalah dinamika hidup manusia yang beragam dalam menyikapi
pergantian tahun dan itu telah terjadi jutaan tahun. Perayaan tentunya
merupakan hal bisa karena sudah menjadi kebiasaan manusia untuk mengenang
moment-moment yang bersejarah dalam hidupnya.
Pergantian tahun bukan hanya seremonial saja melainkan lebih dari itu,
yaitu merayakan bahwa masih diberi kesempatan untuk menjalani kehidupan
Dinamika hidup di masa mendatang
tentunya menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi umat manusia yang masih hidup,
dimana tantangan yang sebenarnya adalah bagaimana manusia hidup dapat berguna
bagi kehidupan lainnya dan kehidupan yang akan datang, karena sia-sianya hidup
adalah ketika kita tidak dapat mendatangkan manfaat bagi orang lain, apalagi
bagi kehidupan yang akan datang.
Niscanya lah bahwa ketika seseoranga dapat berguna bagi orang lain dan
kehidupan di masa yang akan datang, maka ia selalu mulya dan selalu dikenang
oleh manusia yang hidup dimasa yang akan datang.
Perayaan pergantian tahun
sebenarnya merupakan perayaan untuk menghadapai kehidupan baru yang segera
dimulai, berupa perayaan untuk mendapatkan pengalaman persoalan hidup baru yang
tentunya penuh dinamika, namun itu semua harus disikapi secara baik dan bijak
serta harus disyukuri mengingat tidak ada manusia yang cerdas dan beruntung
bila tidak terlebih dahulu menghadapi persoalan hidup. Sebenarnya setiap persoalan hidup tidak ada
manusia yang mampu menghadapinya, karena pada dasarnya persoalan tersebut merupakan
persoalan besar manusia pada umumnya yang hanya dapat diatasi dan terjawab oleh yang memberi persoalan
tersebut kepada manusia. Manusia hanya
bisa menyimpan dan mengumpulkan setiap persoalan-persoalan tersebut di
memorinya untuk menghadapi persoalan berikutnya, karena setiap persoalan yang
diselesaikan manusia sifatnya sementara, karena pada hakekatnya penyelesaian
yang dilakukan manusia selalu mendatangkan persoalan berikutnya/baru, disini
yang terpenting adalah kita jangan pernah menyalahkan orang lain dalam
menghadapi setiap persoalan/permasalahan hidup, dimana manusia yang masih hidup
harus siap mendapatkan persoalan/permasalahan hidup, namun percayalah setiap
persoalan pasti ada jawabnya, dan setiap persoalan pasti diberikan kepada orang
yang mampu mengatasi persoalan tersebut, karena Si pemberi persoalan tentunya
telah mengukur setiap persoalan hidup yang ia berikan kepada Ciptaan-Nya.
Terseyumlah dan hibur diri
sendiri dengan pemikiran yang baik, dan selalu yakin bahwa setiap kehidupan yang
dijalani dengan ikhlas akan indah pada akhirnya.
Selamat tahun baru, semoga kita
menjadi manusia yang utuh dan sempurna, semoga di tahun mendatang kita semakin
bijak, cerdas serta beruntung.
"Removing the Sun 2012"
Monday, December 31, 2012,
Eventually the sun will rise in 2013 AD as well as the prediction that some people predicted on Friday, December 21, 2012 the world will end with the coming apocalypse predicted by the Maya, ha ... ha ... ha .... proved that man could not foresee his own will and those who predicted the apocalypse is pretty cocky about the future and that can be summed up by this time.
Optimisime presence of the sun must be hope 2013 all creatures on earth that still has breath. Hope certainly leaning in future days 2013, 2014, 2015 ..... and so on, we can not predict our lives in the future but we always hope that life in the future will be better. What matters most to us "if we can be better? ....... if we can push ourselves to be better? ...... whether we sustain our environment for the better? ".
As is usual in life, good and bad are always side by side in our life, where one day we should be more dominant trait is good, but sometimes bad more dominant, and should be, and vice versa, it is seen from the point of view of self-trusting a faith. Humans are not the power to resist vices and good, but only rely on the power of mighty strength and power to set it. 2012 sun must let loose with all the good and bad that has happened, the sun may come bring all the good for people who have faith.
Many people blowing trumpets, seek entertainment and pray for sun off 2012 and welcome the rising sun, 2013, it is the dynamics of human life are varied in response to the turn of the year and it has happened millions of years. The celebration is certainly a thing because it can become a habit man to commemorate the historic moments in his life. New Year's Eve is not just ceremonial but more than that, which celebrates that they are given the chance to live life.
The dynamics of life in the future would be a challenge for mankind is still alive, where the real challenge is how human life can be useful for other life and the life to come, because of the futility of life is when we can not bring benefit to others , especially for the life to come. Niscanya is that when seseoranga be useful for others and life in the future, so he always mulya and always remembered by the people who live in the future.
New Year celebration is actually a celebration for the face to begin a new life, a celebration to gain experience that would issue a new life full of dynamics, but that all should be treated fairly and wisely and remember to be thankful no lives were smart and lucky if they do not advance first addressing the issue of life. Virtually every problem of life no man is able to deal with it, because basically the issue is a matter of great people in general that can only be addressed and answered by giving the matter to humans. Humans can only store and collect all these problems in memory to face the next problem, because every human being resolved problems are temporary, because in essence the settlement by man always brings the next question / new, the important thing here is that we should never blame others in the face of any problem / problems of life, where people who are still alive should be ready to get the issues / problems of life, but believe there must answer every question and every problem certainly given to people who can solve the problem, because the problem giver must have measured every problem of life that he gave to His creation.
Terseyumlah and consoled myself with the thought that well, and have always believed that every life lived with sincerity will be beautiful in the end.
Happy new year, may we become whole and perfect man, hopefully in the coming year we are getting wise, smart and lucky.
Monday, December 31, 2012,
Eventually the sun will rise in 2013 AD as well as the prediction that some people predicted on Friday, December 21, 2012 the world will end with the coming apocalypse predicted by the Maya, ha ... ha ... ha .... proved that man could not foresee his own will and those who predicted the apocalypse is pretty cocky about the future and that can be summed up by this time.
Optimisime presence of the sun must be hope 2013 all creatures on earth that still has breath. Hope certainly leaning in future days 2013, 2014, 2015 ..... and so on, we can not predict our lives in the future but we always hope that life in the future will be better. What matters most to us "if we can be better? ....... if we can push ourselves to be better? ...... whether we sustain our environment for the better? ".
As is usual in life, good and bad are always side by side in our life, where one day we should be more dominant trait is good, but sometimes bad more dominant, and should be, and vice versa, it is seen from the point of view of self-trusting a faith. Humans are not the power to resist vices and good, but only rely on the power of mighty strength and power to set it. 2012 sun must let loose with all the good and bad that has happened, the sun may come bring all the good for people who have faith.
Many people blowing trumpets, seek entertainment and pray for sun off 2012 and welcome the rising sun, 2013, it is the dynamics of human life are varied in response to the turn of the year and it has happened millions of years. The celebration is certainly a thing because it can become a habit man to commemorate the historic moments in his life. New Year's Eve is not just ceremonial but more than that, which celebrates that they are given the chance to live life.
The dynamics of life in the future would be a challenge for mankind is still alive, where the real challenge is how human life can be useful for other life and the life to come, because of the futility of life is when we can not bring benefit to others , especially for the life to come. Niscanya is that when seseoranga be useful for others and life in the future, so he always mulya and always remembered by the people who live in the future.
New Year celebration is actually a celebration for the face to begin a new life, a celebration to gain experience that would issue a new life full of dynamics, but that all should be treated fairly and wisely and remember to be thankful no lives were smart and lucky if they do not advance first addressing the issue of life. Virtually every problem of life no man is able to deal with it, because basically the issue is a matter of great people in general that can only be addressed and answered by giving the matter to humans. Humans can only store and collect all these problems in memory to face the next problem, because every human being resolved problems are temporary, because in essence the settlement by man always brings the next question / new, the important thing here is that we should never blame others in the face of any problem / problems of life, where people who are still alive should be ready to get the issues / problems of life, but believe there must answer every question and every problem certainly given to people who can solve the problem, because the problem giver must have measured every problem of life that he gave to His creation.
Terseyumlah and consoled myself with the thought that well, and have always believed that every life lived with sincerity will be beautiful in the end.
Happy new year, may we become whole and perfect man, hopefully in the coming year we are getting wise, smart and lucky.
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